Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Motivasi, Apapun Itu….

anggrek21Ada seseorang yang bertanya, kenapa motivasi menulis itu baru muncul sekarang. Bukannya dah dari dulu sering dapat masukan? Jawabannya cukup simple. Kalau dulu, hati sudah cukup puas dengan menulis di sembarang kertas, buku atau diary. Tapi kepuasan itu hanya dapat dinikmati sendiri. Minimal, orang lain hanya bisa melihat kepuasan itu dari aura lahiriah yang tampak di diri kita. Lalu, kenapa sekarang mencoba mengapresiasikannya lebih jauh? Itu karena tiba-tiba muncul keinginan yang tumbuh makin kuat seiring berjalannya waktu. Keinginan untuk sekedar berbagi dengan yang lain. Keinginan untuk tidak lagi egois dengan menikmati karya sendiri. Dan keinginan ~mungkin lebih tepatnya motivasi~ itu timbul karena seseorang atau sesuatu hal. Kadang banyak hal yang bisa kita pelajari dari seseorang dengan mendengar perkataannya, melihat tingkah lakunya dan bagaimana interaksi yang terjadi dalam kehidupan ber-sosial-nya di masyarakat. Saya pun pada akhirnya mencoba terbiasa dengan hal itu. Walau mesti meng-copy paste ucapan seseorang atau menyampaikan sumbang saran orang lain, like had a reference issued from someone else and transferred it to another one. Rasanya itu bukanlah suatu hal yang buruk apabila kita bisa memilah dengan bijak, mana yang mestinya diserap, mana yang harusnya dibuang, mana yang mesti di compare lagi dengan sumber yang lain, mana yang bisa menjadi solusi, mana yang sekedar memotivasi, atau mana yang jadinya menggurui. Seseorang pasti bahagia dan merasa dirinya berguna bila dia mau berbagi ilmu yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Satu rahasia lagi, tulisan ini bisa teruntai pun karena inspirasi dari suatu peristiwa malam tadi. ^_~


( Menggoda banget ya tampilannya? Buat rekan-rekan yang hobby bikin kue, kaya’nya mesti coba deh. Keliatannya sih rada “njelimet” ya…. pastinya butuh ketelitian dan keahlian tersendiri. Kalo saya… untuk sementara, diposting aja lah resepnya. Belum pede bikinnya, tpi kalo ada yang mo ngirimin sih boleh buangeett… ^_~ )

250 gr keju mascarpone
300 ml whipped cream
100 gr gula bubuk
1/2 sdt esens vanilli
4 btr kuning telur
50 gr gula kastor

Bahan lain:
2 sdm kopi instan, cairkan dengan
150 ml air hangat
1 sdm gula pasir
150 ml kahlua/rhum (bila suka)
20 bh lady finger atau sponge cake cokelat 3 lembar ukuran 22 x 22 x 3cm

Whipped cream dan cokelat bubuk secukupnya

Cara membuat:
1. Kocok keju mascarpone, sisihkan.
2. Kocok whipped cream dan gula bubuk hingga kental dan kaku. Sisihkan dalam kulkas agar tak meleleh.
3. Kocok kuning telur, gula kastor, dan vanilli hingga kental, lalu lanjutkan mengocok di atas air mendidih (kocok tim) hingga telur hangat. Angkat, teruskan mengocok hingga telur kembali dingin. Matikan mikser.
4. Keluarkan whipped cream dari dalam kulkas. Masukkan keju mascarpone yang sudah dikocok, aduk rata (atau kocok dengan mikser speed 1), tuangkan pula kocokan kuning telur, aduk hingga rata benar.
5. Di tempat lain, campur gula, air kopi, dan rhum (optional), aduk rata, sisihkan.

1. Siapkan loyang bongkar pasang atau gelas saji, susun lady finger (atau cake cokelat sesuai selera) di bagian dasar hingga rata, perciki dengan cairan kopi hingga lembab. Tuangkan adonan mascarpone, ratakan.
2. Susun lagi lady finger, seperti paling bawah tuang lagi dengan adonan mascarpone.
3. Buat dua atau tiga susun paling atas, hias dengan whipped cream, lalu ayakkan cokelat bubuk.
4. Bekukan dalam kulkas selama 4 jam.

- Pengocokan mascarpone hanya bertujuan untuk menghilangkan bungkahan-bungkahan kejunya saja, bukan untuk membuatnya mengembang.
- Jika menggunakan keju mascarpone merk Puglia, keju sebaiknya tidak dikocok karena keju mascarpone merek ini sangat rentan pecah. Langsung campurkan keju ke dalam whipped cream.
- Pastikan telur sudah kembali menjadi dingin sebelum mencampurkannya dengan whipped cream dan mascarpone. Suhu hangat akan membuat whipped cream mencair. Jika Anda tidak keberatan dengan telur mentah, maka telur tidak perlu ditim.

sumber : natural cooking club

December 24, 2008 Posted by sweetiealessa | Kue | , , , | 3 Comments

Q: Purple, Red or Blue? What color are U?
I asked this one years ago & LOVED the responses. Most people are a lovely purple even though they say they're on the Red or Blue side...Is this true of you? I ALWAYS vote on the quality and content of the answr and certainly not...... (1 answer - asked 6 months ago)
A: Purplish-blue

I’m purple, but a shade with more blue than red in it. Actually, both extremes scare me, though the one on the right scares me more. I hate the way our country has become so polarized in recent years. I really think that most of us are moderates at heart, that is, a wide variety of shades of purple. The next President has got to be a consensus builder, even more than Presidents have had to be in the past. America belongs to us all.

Purple’s a great color, don't you think?


Sources: personal experience and Google images
Q: Sometimes when we're sad we say we feel blue. What color would you attach to your mood today?
Are you feeling purple? Red? Orange? Why is this color appropriate? Don't worry about the traditional color associations. There are no wrong answers. Just make sure to explain why you chose the color you chose. (5 answers - asked 22 months ago)
A: Help, I'm stuck in a prism....

I am not sure why, but today I'm bouncing from mood to mood/color to color. Maybe it is because it's a grey chilly day or maybe I'm just feeling a little burned out after a long week.

I usually wake up long before the sun comes up and start my day so I have a little time by myself. I was too lethargic to crawl out of bed when my eyes opened. We'll call that a pale brown color for being sluggish and a little irritated at wanting to go back to sleep but feeling conflicted knowing I was choosing to forego my necessary quiet time alone.

Zing into red as my husbands alarm went off and he hit snooze 5 times. The snooze button is one of my major pet peeves. Just get up when your alarm goes off. Hitting snooze just delays the inevitable while ensuring everyone in the house is woken up.

Then came the chance to ease into a nice, warm, fuzzy peach when my 3 yo stumbled in and crawled in to snuggle with me. That's always a nice treat.

My husband took the baby downstairs to feed and to start the coffee. Yellow started to glow within me as I basked in my option for laziness and forgot my former irritation in favor of some gratitude for his efforts.

Green took over as I walked downstairs to the mess and realized my husband gets to leave while I face the same old same old. Just a little jealousy.

Pink took hold when I opened Askville and saw some lovely PMs, comments and friend requests this morning. Nice, warm, and pleasantly surprised.

Blue keeps trying to push it's way in as I look at the recent developments re: my husband's ex and my stepson and beginning planning how to handle it all, but I keep pushing that color away.

Who knows where I will fall within the spectrum throughout the rest of the day. For now, I'm just a little violet.

Q: Other than being colors, what do orange, silver and purple have in common?
(5 answers - asked 14 months ago)
A: Orange, silver and purple
These are words that cannot (supposedly) be rhymed with any other words! Although someone told me here in Askville that if you use the British pronunciation "door hinge" rhymes with orange...

Biodata Jonas Rivanno Wattimena Profil

  • Full Name : Jonas Rivanno Wattimena
  • Alternative Name : Jonas Revanno, Jonas Revano, Jonas Rivano
  • Nickname : Vanno, Nino, Vano
  • Place / Date of birth : Jakarta, 20 Maret 1987
  • Father's Name : Agustinus Wattimena
  • Mother's Name : Leony Pattipeilohy
  • Religion : Christian Protestant
  • Zodiak : Pisces
  • Occupation : Actor, Model
  • Education : Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS), majoring Environmental Engineering
  • Hobby : Basketball, Acting, Singing, making people happy
  • Favorite Books : Comics
  • Favorite Music : Rock
  • Favorite TV Shows : Channel V, MTV, Khanza, Kawin Massal, Smallville, Nikita
Commercial Ad for : All New Honda Jazz (with Gabriella Resti Taroeno)

foto Jonas Revanno Wattimena photo gallery


- Khanza as Nino, starring with Velove Vexia, Alexandra Gottardo
- Kawin Masal as Ben, starring with Glenn Alinskie, Agnes Monica and Kimberly Ryder
- Nikita as Vanno, starring with Nikita Willy, Dude Harlino, Jessica Mila, Cathy Sharon, Dirly Idol and Debbie Cinthya Dewi.

Biografi Jonas Revanno Wattimena :

Jonas Rivanno Wattimena, better known as Jonas Rivanno (many people known her name as Jonas Revanno Wattimena, Jonas Revano or Jonas Rivano) was born at Jakarta, 20 Maret 1987. Jonas Rivanno, a young macho boy who have blood mixture from Netherlands, Germany and Ambon is starting his career as a foto model in the teenage magazine (cowok hot sexy model) after successfully obtaining a degree from Best Catwalk at Coverboy Aneka Yess 2007 event selection.

Jonas Rivanno wallpaper with My Special Date crew and Velove Vexia

After joining with production-house SinemArt, Vanno who have wajah cakep ganteng, atletis and keren get the main role as Nino in Sinetron Khanza immediately, starring with Velove Vexia and Alexandra Gottardo as Cilla. After success with Khanza, Jonas Rivanno paired with famous stars, Agnes Monica in sinetron Kawin Massal. Jonas Revanno get role as Ben, and Agnes Monica as Sachiko. Jonas Rivanno success in the world of television entertainment make the majority of people upset. Jonas had to leave study at university, or for temporary leave from the bench studying in Surabaya Technology Institute (ITS) in order to pursue a career as a famous artist. At the Surabaya Institute of Technology, he took Environmental Engineering Department.. because he is very concerned about damage to the environment even though the intention to be graduated from university had to be suspended temporarily for his career. Several days ago, the latest sinetron Jonas Rivanno Wattimena has been playing on television with the title sinetron Nikita, he played as Vanno, starring with Nikita Willy, Dude Harlino, Jessica Mila, Cathy Sharon, Dirly Idol and Debbie Cinthya Dewi. You can get foto Jonas Rivanno Wattimena photo collection as below...

C Am

Lihat aku disini


kau lukai


hati dan perasaan ini

C Am

tapi entah mengapa

F Dm

aku bisa memberikan maaf padamu



mungkin karena




kepadamu tulus


dari dasar hatiku


mungkin karena

Am F


Dm G

berharap kau dapat mengerti cintaku

(2) goto **

C Am

lihat aku disini

F Dm

bertahan walau kau sering menyakiti

C Am

hingga air mataku

F Dm

tak dapat menetes dan habis terurai

(1) back to *


D B#m

meski kau terus sakiti aku


cinta ini


akan selalu memaafkan


dan aku


percaya nanti engkau


mengerti bila cintaku takkan mati

Back to **

Koleksi Rama yang lain.
Download mp3 & lirik lagu Rama Bertahan
Free Download MP3

Your kiss, your smile, your mind

You're sunlight in my eyes

I miss your breath on my neck

When we whisper in the night

Didn't wanna want you

Didn't wanna need you so bad

Didn't wanna wake up

And find that I was falling so fast

Didn't wanna need you

Didn't wanna need anyone

Now look what you've done

Now I can't go on without you

I'm naked, I cant fake it.

I'm not that strong without you

Never thought I could love you the way I do.

Your touch, your skin, can't believe the way you let me in

Don't rush tonight, I need you like the ocean needs the tide.

Didn't wanna want you

Didn't wanna need you so bad

Didn't wanna wake up

And find that I was falling so fast

Didn't wanna need you

Didn't wanna need anyone

Now look what you've done

Now I can't go on without you

I'm naked, I cant fake it.

I'm not that strong without you

Never thought I could love you the way I do.

I always thought I would stand on my own

Climb a mountain top all alone

Relying, depending on no one

Now look at what you've done

Now I can't go on without you

I'm naked, I cant fake it.

I'm not that strong without you

Never thought I could love you the way I do.

Never thought I could love you

Never thought I could need you

Never thought I could want you

The way I do

Never thought I could love you

Never thought I could need you

Never thought I could want you

The way I do

I love you

I need you

I want you

..the way I do
